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Little world

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “From my house to his house we are separated by 574 km. Too many”. A little advice. A small book. A small voice: that of Tiromancino, soundtrack for hearts in transit. Browsing through these microscopic journeys leaves a bit of the feeling of when we hear Stitch say, “This is my family. I found it on my own. It’s small and broken, but beautiful.” Why write a book to tell about emotional places? Why...


The shadow of the past

“The day turned, as always, to beauty.” If we recommend reading the book? In BooktoMi’s philosophy we recommend reading all the books, because maybe what we didn’t like could be enjoyed by another reader. Shades, colors and smells that we have only partially grasped, or that we have found repetitive, or not exciting, for others, could represent the cultural pick needed to get in touch with the world of books, or with the creative intimacy...


Sandro Penna

“Life… is to remember a sad awakening in a train at dawn.” The book is a small essay, coming from a degree thesis. The style is therefore that of a scientific work, where the narration is often interspersed with quotations, engraved by other authors and, precisely, accurate reproposition of poetic verses by Sandro Penna. A literary criticism beyond the usual stakes, in which the author offers us his litmus test to understand Penna as an...