HomeTag Edizioni Clichy


To adapt

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Ho letto Adattarsi, romanzo di Clara Dupont-Monod, pubblicato da Edizioni Clichy nella traduzione di Tommaso Gurrieri. Come lo abbia incrociato? Forse per quello strano fiore rosso in copertina? In realtà non lo so proprio, a testimonianza di come spesse volte le cose del vivere accadano in quell’esatto mentre in cui siamo intensamente indaffarati a far altro e un’immagine un...



“For an increasing number of Americans, the dream of a middle-class life has gone from difficult to impossible.” Necessary. This is the adjective in which we think we can wrap the book before putting it in place in our library. A text necessary to expose the petty inconsistencies on which the US economic system is based, and by extension those of a large part of the Western world. A punch in the stomach of hypocrisy,...



 “FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The building is sumptuous but the kingdom is in ruins.” First you have to sleep on it. You have to fall asleep with questions, images in your head, trust that they will clear up behind closed eyelids, you have to let the visions settle, ask yourself what was real, what not, ask yourself if it matters. The plot is soon told. There is a man who is a hunter, a father and a surgeon,...