HomeTag Giorgio Bassani


Behind the Door

“Misfortune had made a man out of him.” Moving like few other books, capable of touching the dormant childhood within each of us. With this long story, Bassani delves into his memories as a boy, up to take us to the beginning of the school year of 1929-30 in a classical high school, in his beloved Ferrara (the city of Bassani’s heart!). The shyness of the protagonist and a character that has not yet fully...


The gold rimmed glasses

Written by Annalisa Piersanti This review is available only in the original language. ___________________________________________________________________   Gli occhiali d’oro è stato il primo libro di Giorgio Bassani che ho letto. Scovato casualmente in una bancarella triestina di libri usati, nella primissima edizione Einaudi, sono rimasta subito colpita dal titolo e dalla copertina. Gli occhiali d’oro sono un chiaro simbolo di qualcosa di unico, speciale, di identificativo, un leitmotiv di ispirazione wagneriana, come il blu e il...


The Garden of the Finzi-Continis

“In life, if one wants to understand, to truly understand how things are in this world, he must die at least once.” During a car trip with a couple of friends and their child, in the countryside of central Italy, some reflections on the Etruscan civilization open the doors of the author’s memory, who finds himself in a moment to remember events that occurred during his youth in his Ferrara. A dip in the past...