HomeTag Marcos y Marcos


My Tender Matador

“I was a fagot that my mother had left him as punishment, he said. That’s why he hit me hard.” Chile, September 1986. A country in fibrillation for the anniversary of General Pinochet’s coup d’état. On the one hand we have dissidents who, with demonstrations and attacks, try not to bow their heads to one of the harshest Latin American dictatorships; on the other, the military who bloodily represses any expression of dissent, without making...


Destroy, she said

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “There is something about this hotel that disturbs me and holds me back. I do not understand well. I don’t try to understand better.”   We don’t understand well. Let’s not try to understand better – what keeps us in this book. And yet: we are there, even if upset. Like in a dream, we don’t know how we got here, perhaps a quote, an epiphany, an involuntary movement of the soul and here...


Zainab takes New York

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “So, my dear, what is it that prevents you from creating the life you want?” We stroll around New York with Zainab, looking for an answer to this question. The novel itself is a long walk through the end of adolescence, the sprint gives us the discovery of an immense and unknown city (at least, for the protagonist) like New York. Zainab comes to us from Ghana, confident, full of expectations and full of...

Marcos y Marcos

Founded in Milan in 1981 and directed by Claudia Tarolo and Marco Zapparoli, Marcos y Marcos is an independent publishing house that mainly deals with contemporary fiction and poetry. Attentive to training, it offers courses in publishing, creative writing, communication, editing and reading aloud courses. He works closely with schools and has always worked alongside booksellers. He has published authors such as Boris Vian, John Kennedy Toole, Miriam Toews, Fulvio Ervas, Paolo Nori, William Goldman...