HomeTag Nottetempo


Let the night come

“They found his heart intact because his will was pure.” We find ourselves in front of the book with which we decided to open the third edition of the “June of books – 2024” exhibition in Milan, and which we had the opportunity to read and analyze with the writer himself in great detail. The young author Ceccherini, after having spoken about the monster of Florence in his first book, in this second work recounts...


The cities and the days

“An era in which the worst deadly sins – pride, greed and envy – has been elevated to indispensable professional qualities.” Two brothers who grew up in the same family environment, with equal amounts of love received and the possibility of realizing their dreams, decide to embark on two opposite personal and professional lives. The first, Maurizio, a successful architect of international fame residing in Paris with his wife and daughter, until he decides to...


The truce

“Before we begin to forget, we must remember, we must begin to remember.” At the end of reading this book, you will be accompanied by only one feeling: regret for not having discovered both book and author sooner. The pages are similar to the ripples of a clear lake in which the pains of the world, the irreparable errors, the weight of responsibilities, the relationships between men and women and the questions that no one wants...


Looking for Pan

“The passengers are recognized by the excitement that invades them.” It’s not narrative, it’s not poetry, at times it’s a real travel story but in verses that alternate with lines and images ready to show the reader what is explained by the words, as if it were possible to grasp them… It is a journey by sea, from Brindisi to Greece, and – let’s say it better – to ancient Greece, therefore not only a...

Premio Campiello 2023

The Premio Campiello, with the aim of promoting Italian fiction to an increasingly vast audience of readers, it organizes a cycle of public meetings with the finalist authors in each edition. The events take place between June and July at cultural bodies or institutions, in the most important Italian cities or in renowned tourist resorts.   BooktoMi has been selected to organize, exclusively, the meeting in Milan on 29 June 2023, at Lampo – Ex Scalo Farini.  ...



“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “My life is a predictable accident, rapist. It does not ontologically define my existence but occupies it like a handful of soldiers”. On January 25, the last piece of Eva Baltasar’s triptych was released for Nottetempo, a triad that began in 2019 with “Permafrost” and continued with “Boulder” in 2021 (Italian release dates). The frost, the boulder, the immense animal. Go retro, candid souls. So in short, before holding our breath and throwing ourselves...


What is in your blood

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The true form of blood is a chain, and its weight is unsustainable”. This is not a question: it is already a conclusion. And it’s in the title: it takes some character, to put a full stop and not a question mark. It gives us a bit of the weight of this young rookie, Gaia Giovagnoli, who with a hint of self-confidence writes this book to talk about roots, women, research, the unexpected. How...