
Nobody knows anything about time, but everyone enjoys giving it a voice.”

Book dedicated and directed to the world of adolescents. The writer of this review has left their late teens for a few years, so not being in the target audience of the text, they may not have fully appreciated what a young person’s book of life will be (until they grow up).

Read in an afternoon without excessive effort, the text is a collection of stories about love, the end of romantic relationships and the beginning of falling in love. Simple in the text, in the syntax and in the development of the events told.

Written, in our opinion, to wink at a series of fears, fantasies and hopes for tomorrow, emotionally but not only, of today’s young people, who shyly seek their place in the world.

Here we return to what was said at the beginning about the reference audience of the book, because a more mature reader could find many of the events narrated and the development of the stories taken for granted, perhaps because more disillusioned with life, or more aware of the dynamics of love or relationships. personal in general.

As our characteristic, we didn’t particularly appreciate the strong reference to contemporary technological realities or mobile phone applications, which have the power to make the book look old the day after it goes to print. In the same way, we did not like the constant flaunting of knowledge of nations and cities and institutions and various life experiences which, even here, have the power to make a more savvy reader think that they are going to diminish the writer’s credibility, rather than to strengthen its image. But this still remains a personal opinion.

Do we recommend reading it? Yes and no. Certainly for a teenager it can represent a first approach to the world of reading, and this can only be good. Reading is always better than not reading. If, on the other hand, you are already an adult inside, if you already have a solid experience on your shoulders, maybe you might find books of a different thickness more interesting.


Enzo De Somma, Next, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano, 2021

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