HomeTag 1996


Girl interrupted

“When you are sad you need to feel your pain made into music.” Book of memoirs, in which the writer recounts her experience as a patient in a US psychiatric clinic in the late 1960s. A leap into the void crossed after a perhaps incorrect diagnosis of personality disorder, following an alleged attempt to commit suicide. The stay at the McLean private hospital will last for eighteen months, during which the writer lives in a...


If this is a man

“Few are the men who know how to go to death with dignity, and often not the ones you would expect.” We have lost count of the times we have read this book in our lifetime, yet it never seems enough to us. The first feeling we felt during and after reading is that of misunderstanding-anger. Thinking with a cold mind, it is difficult for us to conceive how inhumanity has reached such low peaks,...


The active illness of the anarchist Pinelli

“The anarchist Pinelli died, albeit in his own way, a natural death.” Challenging and intense book. The reading provides a strong knowledge of the history of Italy after World War II and the years of violent protest. A total immersion in the political, economic and social fractures that put the Italian state entity to a severe test. The initial preface helps the reader to orient himself in a world very distant from today, up to...