HomeTag 2019


Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “Today is my birthday. Everyone come and taste my sautéed pork liver.”   When we reached page 50 we wanted to beat up whoever recommended this reading to us; by page 135 we had already cried three times; once we finished the book we were looking for the author’s complete bibliography. (Note to the reader: “The City That Doesn’t Exist” was released in recent days by Feltrinelli.) Yu Hua has mastered the ancient art of...


The Way Through the Woods

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “The footprint of a life is everywhere.”   A Malaysian anthropologist, transplanted to Norway, manages to overcome her husband’s sudden bereavement thanks to an unexpected encounter with the world of mushrooms. It seems that the community of readers really liked this book: it praises its delicacy and the unusual but refined way in which two apparently very distant themes, mourning and mycology, were brought together. We’re a bit perplexed. The book flows, as they...


If Cats Disappeared from the World

“It had never occurred to me that human actions could have a limit, not even when it was mom’s turn.” We’ve discovered a new book to put on your must-read-before-you-die list. When we bought it we didn’t think that it would enter every single cell of our body, to then make us shine with life. Friendship, love, moral values, guilt, memory pride, regrets, and more, dosed with a delicacy that moves the reader. The protagonist...


The language of Casilda Moreira

“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “What if silence one day no longer wants to be silent?”   There is a language that is dying and there are only two people left to keep it alive. But these two people don’t talk to each other. It is difficult to explain the magnetic suggestion of this plot. It contains the fascination of things that are about to disappear, the enigma and the search, the power of connection and also a certain...



“FRIDAY RE-VERSO” “My life is a predictable accident, rapist. It does not ontologically define my existence but occupies it like a handful of soldiers”. On January 25, the last piece of Eva Baltasar’s triptych was released for Nottetempo, a triad that began in 2019 with “Permafrost” and continued with “Boulder” in 2021 (Italian release dates). The frost, the boulder, the immense animal. Go retro, candid souls. So in short, before holding our breath and throwing ourselves...


Girl, woman, other,

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Apro a caso, pagina 174: “…una cosa che ha imparato è che innamorarsi disperatamente, perdutamente è in realtà un processo molto selettivo…” L’avevo acquistato appena comparso nel radar degli occhi, circa un anno addietro; un poco per quella sua copertina molto Iris Apfel, occhiali grandi tondi e arancioni, capello corto, maglione a collo alto; un poco per quel titolo...


Broken April

The books chosen by Andrea Salonia This review is available only in the original language _________________________________________________________________________ Torniamo indietro, fino al 1978. Pare un’eternità, e forse lo è per il modo veloce con cui molte delle cose della vita sono poi andate. Molte, ma non tutte, e questi giorni dell’oggi – proprio oggi, 24 febbraio 2022 a maggior ragione –folli, incomprensibili, plasmati della stessa materiale del terrore, ecco, questi giorni mi han obbligato a ripensare alla...


A Mother Is a House

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: rapporto mamma bambino Tecnica delle illustrazioni: china e digitale Età consigliata: 0-5 anni   Una mamma è come una casa che porta dentro di sé il suo bambino. Ma è anche come una conchiglia quando lo abbraccia, come un motore quando lo spinge nel passeggino, come una melodia quando canta, come un uragano quando pulisce casa, come un grande...


In the dream house

“FRIDAY DI-VERSO” None of these things exist. You have no reason to believe me … the temperature rises, it is completely unpleasant, but the frog has weakened, it no longer has the strength to go out. If it had been thrown into the already boiling water, it would have jumped out with a thrust of the kidneys. Do you know the metaphor of the frog in the hot pot? Chomsky used it to describe the individual...


Unicorn and Horse

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: diversità, amicizia, accettazione di sé Tecnica delle illustrazioni: digitale Età consigliata: 6-10 anni   Unicorno è perfetto, ha un bellissimo corno di zaffiro, una criniera arcobaleno e denti bianchissimi. Mentre Cavallo non ha nulla di tutto ciò. Dal sedere di Unicorno escono arcobaleni, da quello di Cavallo invece… no. Unicorno mangia solo dolcetti rosa e fa tutto con MOLTA (troppa)...