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Hector, the extraordinarily strong man

Written by Alessia Colombo This review is available only in the original language. Tipologia: albo illustrato Tematiche principali: essere sé stessi, stereotipi, bullismo Tecnica delle illustrazioni: matita e digitale Età consigliata: 4 – 8 anni   In un paese ventoso e pianeggiante si trova il Circo Straordinario. Qui lavorano persone con capacità straordinarie, come Leopoldina la ballerina straordinariamente divina, Gedeone l’uomo straordinariamente domatore di leoni e Leonardo l’uomo straordinariamente domatore di leopardi. E poi c’è...



 “FRIDAY DI-VERSO” “The building is sumptuous but the kingdom is in ruins.” First you have to sleep on it. You have to fall asleep with questions, images in your head, trust that they will clear up behind closed eyelids, you have to let the visions settle, ask yourself what was real, what not, ask yourself if it matters. The plot is soon told. There is a man who is a hunter, a father and a surgeon,...


Dr. Galvan’s long night

“Life is full of consolation prizes.” Brilliant, fast, full of ideas and reflections. Dr. Galvan’s long night is by extension the life of each of us, but not exactly at night, but during the day. Forced into a well-defined role and ready to wear expressionless masks to create something that then turns out to be empty, we lose sight of the most important things. The nothing created in the book is contained in the superfluous...


The intermittences of the heart

“Because the intermittences of the heart are linked to the disturbances of memory.” Les intermittences du cœur  is the beating heart of the search for lost time, a short chapter, in its own right, positioned right in the middle of the imposing and daring literary construction of the entire work, the essential keystone for understanding Proustian thought in depth. It is not a coincidence that Proust initially entrusted this title to the entire work. It was...