HomeTag Pocket Books


Angels & Demons

Written by Beatrice Bertocchi This review is available only in the original language. _______________________________________________________ Angeli e Demoni è il primo romanzo di Dan Brown che ha come protagonista, il professore di simbologia religiosa a Harvard, Robert Langdon. Un thriller coinvolgente, dove il lettore è costretto a schierarsi fra il bene e il male, fra scienza e religione. Questo La storia inizia al CERN di Ginevra, dove lo scienziato, Leonardo Vetra, viene ritrovato senza vita nel suo laboratorio,...


A man

“The meeting of two solitudes is also the meeting of two imaginations and our fantasy is to fill every silence, every void.” What is A Man? A biography, an ideological novel, a journalistic investigation and a historical-political essay. A set of literary genres, represented with a perfect balance, which constitutes its greatest added value.  The book was written to fulfill a promise of love made by the author to the main protagonist, Alexandros Panagulis, her...


Deception Point

“Sometimes a thin thread is enough to discover something.“ Fast-paced thriller, with a sustained rhythm capable of involving the reader. Even the least passionate of the genre, will not stop to read it, at lease up to three-quarters of the story. But then the trouble comes, and you start to feel the weight of the many scattered technical explanations. Military procedures, armaments, institutional procedures and street references, that are simply too much; but after all...