No one is excluded

“I do not know, and perhaps I will never know if one day I will make myself worthy of my children.”

Book of complaint, without too many words, capable of exposing, with the simple description of the facts, the Italian national insurance system, and the state of abandonment of the sick, especially the most serious ones.

But let’s try to go in order.

Let’s take a modern family from Milano: mother, father and two teenage children. Family balances tested between work and school, sports activities and holidays planned in advance. The news of the birth of a third child arrives like a tidal wave to disrupt normal everyday life. The wave becomes a tsunami when it is discovered that the new daughter, Roberta, is suffering from a disease that no one is able to diagnose immediately, and only after months it will be understood that it is a rare disease. Poor scientific knowledge, the impossibility of finding adequate treatments, doubts about Roberta’s possibility or not of surviving the slightest respiratory crisis, undermine the already fragile certainties.

Here the extraordinary reaction of the family comes into play, which instead of being taken by discouragement and passivity, decides to face every problem head on, facing them one after the other, despite the opposing forces of prejudices and a bureaucracy lacking in good standing. sense.

A perfect photograph of the state of abandonment of the disabled and their families by the institutions, with very few exceptions. A fight to be fought day after day, only to demand respect for some inalienable human rights. To do this, it is necessary to be able to break down the cultural architectural barriers that are much worse than the physical ones, as the author himself told us during a presentation of the book made with us at BooktoMi.

The description of a national insurance system, capable of great professionalism, but also of intense carelessness, leaves a bad taste in the mouth, with the patient (and his family) at the mercy of events, forced to look for the hospital and the doctor best suited to treat a certain disease.

Journeys of hope far and wide throughout the peninsula, which make us feel this story even closer, because the events narrated can be easily translated to all latitudes of Italy. And unfortunately we are sure that we all know a person who is forced to leave their city to seek better care away from home.

We recommend reading it.


Fortunato Nicoletti, No one is excluded, LFA, Napoli, 2020

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