HomeTag 2004


Reading Lolita in Tehran

“There is nothing more reprehensible than remaining blind to the problems and pains of others.” Memoirs belonging to the category of texts that must be read compulsorily. Up to the age of twenty it should be read in order to grow intellectually, after to be able to appreciate the hidden nuances and inconsistencies of the human being. A title that came into our hands almost by accident, during one of our reading groups, which turned...


Black is the tree of memories, blue the air

“But mom is still young, still alive despite everything.” This is not a easy book, so don’t approach it thinking you can read it in your spare time. A text that first of all requires a solid basic knowledge of recent Italian history. Without it, one may not be able to put together the constant references to characters and places necessary for the structure of the story, and then again because Loy’s writing always requires...



“The issue is that he doesn’t resign himself to slowness.” Novel to read up to twenty years old, after it could disappoint. We say this knowingly because we read the book as teenagers, and are picking it up again today. Of all that we had enjoyed as youths, only a faded stain remained on the pages. The classic feeling you get when you re-read De Carlo’s books, capable of telling utopian dreams, the will to...


The cover of the sea

“Sometimes just being with someone helps you grow.” Although we really like the author’s style, with its dilated times, inside and outside the thoughts of the protagonist, able to indirectly tell the essence of Japanese culture and lifestyle, this time we have found the initial part of the story too long. A penance not deserved by the reader, like a long airport runway, which the plane is forced to travel to the last centimeter of...


Whispering to Witches

Written by Giada Marino This review is available only in the original language. _____________________________________________________ Joe è un ragazzo come tanti altri, che ha una vita normale e che sogna cose molto semplici, come per esempio passare il Natale con suo papà e il suo cane nella loro casa a Londra, rilassandosi e non pensando alla scuola ma, a pochi giorni da Natale, il padre riceve una telefonata durante la notte e i programmi di Joe...


Angels & Demons

Written by Beatrice Bertocchi This review is available only in the original language. _______________________________________________________ Angeli e Demoni è il primo romanzo di Dan Brown che ha come protagonista, il professore di simbologia religiosa a Harvard, Robert Langdon. Un thriller coinvolgente, dove il lettore è costretto a schierarsi fra il bene e il male, fra scienza e religione. Questo La storia inizia al CERN di Ginevra, dove lo scienziato, Leonardo Vetra, viene ritrovato senza vita nel suo laboratorio,...