HomeTag Neri Pozza


The Unbidden guest

“Was it fair for one to take the worst and the others the best?” Beautiful, delicate, intense, hollowed out and shaped book of life. The story talks about the story of the author, an Italian-American, who returned from the United States to fight on the Austrian front during the First World War. An epic-romantic beginning, therefore, of the emigrant who returns home to fight under the banner of his native country, against an unknown enemy....


Two lives

“We were not born to become wise, but to resist, escape, steal some pleasure from a world that was not made for us.” Two Lives is a book that does not lie: it is exactly the story of two lives of the author’s two friends, Pia Pera and Rocco Carbone. It is a novel that moves us although it is immersed in a disarming narrative simplicity, precisely because it is configured, from the very first...


Dai tuoi occhi solamente

Written by Lucia Accoto This review is available only in the original language. ______________________________________________________ La vita può essere bugiarda. Apparire quello che non è, negli sguardi e nei ricordi. Può sembrare sfilacciata, sfocata, persino alterata nelle emozioni. Bugiarda. Eppure, alcuni istanti restano autentici. Solo quei momenti, quelli veri, hanno una storia impressa sui volti della gente. Si tratta di espressioni che attraggono e nello stesso tempo sfuggono e si nascondono dietro alle incertezze. C’è chi...